10 More 1933 Double Eagles?

Most in the numismatic fraternity will recall the world record price paid for a numismatic item set back in 2002 - US$7.59 million was paid at a Sotheby's auction for a USA 1933 "Double Eagle" ($20 gold coin). A news item a few weeks back mentions how the family of a deceased jeweller is suing the US Mint over ownership of a further 10 examples of this highly rare coin. This case has been developing for some time, and it'll be interesting to see how it pans out.

How would the owner of the first example feel if another 10 come onto the market some 5 or 6 years after they paid US$7.59 million to secure theirs? I don't think there'll be any problem finding another 10 buyers for the latter coins if they do indeed come onto the market.

Category: Market News