At Last, A Non Collector Has An Opinion About Coin Designs

Today's Sun Herald apparently has an article that unflinchingly criticizes the designs that the RAM has chosen to depict on Australia's circulating coins, and also the themes used on our NCLT to boot. I say apparently because I'm now on the other side of the country to Sydney and no longer have the joy of reading the paper on a Sunday morning with a long black or two, which means I've only seen this story as a blog post online.

And doesn't our mate David Dale whale into the RAM! "They want us to join in celebrating some of the most boring events in Australian history."

I won't do you a disservice and try and reproduce the entire article here, but let me just say that it's a good read and well worth the price of admission. Make sure you post a comment to let him know your thoughts!

I'd have to agree that the subject matter for a lot of Australian coins lately seems to show that their marketing department has been clutching at staws lately (there's only so many coins with ANZAC's / Phar Lap / Don Bradman that you can put out), and some of their choices haven't exactly resonated with the general public.

There has to be a coin somewhere in the world that commemorates something more obscure than the "International Year of the Telescope", when I find it I'll certainly post images online!