How to Tell When an Australian Paper Banknote Was Printed

Australian paper decimal banknotes were first introduced in February 1966 and were gradually replaced with polymer notes between 1992 and 1996.

Determining the year that an Australian polymer banknote was printed is fairly straightforward - the last two digits of the year are included in the serial number prefix. Australian paper banknotes were printed differently, so our job is a little bit harder.

Identify the Signatures on the Front

The First Paper $1 Note From 1966
The First Paper $1 Note From 1966

Each Australian paper decimal note has two signatures on the front of it - the people who were the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Secretary to the Commonwealth Treasury at the time the notes were printed.

These signatures on the front of Australia's notes changed each time a new person was appointed to either of these roles. The dates those appointments became official are well publicized, which gives us a start and finish date within which any Australian paper decimal note was printed.

Use the table below to identify the signatures that are on the front of the note you're looking to identify, this is the first step in working out when it was printed.

Gallery of Decimal Note Signatories

Coombs / Wilson
Coombs / Randall
Phillips / Randall
Phillips / Wheeler
Knight / Wheeler
Knight / Stone
Johnston / Stone
Johnston / Fraser
Phillips / Fraser
Fraser / Higgins
Fraser / Cole
Fraser / Evans


Now You Can See When It Was Printed

The table below has been prepared based on official records of the dates that we mentioned above. Where the exact dates of any production run are known, those dates are included.

Keep one thing in mind when you look at the information below - even though most notes were printed and released across several years (between February 1966 and February 1968 as an example), collectors and dealers only use the first year that a note was printed or released in as part of the description. So a one-dollar note with the signatures Coombs / Wilson on the front will be described as a 1966 $1 note, rather than a 1967 or 1968 one-dollar note.

This is important if you're going to start Googling about the value of your newly identified note - if you want to get the right results you need to use the correct date.

Signatures   $1 $2 $5 $10 $20 $50 $100
Coombs / Wilson Start 14/02/1966 14/02/1966 - 14/02/1966 14/02/1966 - -
  Finish 1/02/1968 1/11/1967 - 1/10/1967 16/09/1968 - -
Coombs / Randall Start 1/02/1968 1/11/1967 29/05/1967 1/10/1967 16/09/1968 - -
  Finish 1/11/1969 1/10/1968 1/10/1969 1/10/1968 1/10/1968 - -
Phillips / Randall Start 1/11/1969 1/10/1968 1/10/1969 1/10/1968 1/10/1968 - -
  Finish 1/05/1972 1/10/1972 1/10/1972 1/11/1972 1/10/1972 - -
Phillips / Wheeler Start 1/05/1972 1/10/1972 1/10/1972 1/11/1972 1/10/1972 - -
Commonwealth Finish 11/06/1974 19/06/1974 27/09/1974 19/09/1974 20/08/1974   -
Phillips / Wheeler Start 11/06/1974 19/06/1974 27/09/1974 19/09/1974 20/08/1974 9/10/1973 -
Australia Finish 1/03/1976 1/05/1976 1/04/1976 1/05/1976 1/12/1975 1/12/1975 -
Knight / Wheeler Start 1/03/1976 1/05/1976 1/04/1976 1/05/1976 1/12/1975 1/12/1975 -
Gothic Centre Finish 1/06/1976 1/09/1976 - 1/07/1976 1/07/1976 1/07/1976 -
Knight / Wheeler Start 31/05/1979 - - - - - -
DBP Finish 31/05/1979 - - - - - -
Knight / Wheeler Start 1/06/1976 - - 1/07/1976 1/07/1976 1/07/1976 -
Gothic Side Finish 1/05/1979 - 1/12/1978 1/06/1979 1/06/1979 29/03/1979 -
Knight / Wheeler Start - 1/09/1976 - - - - -
OCR-B Centre Finish - 1/02/1977 - - - - -
Knight / Wheeler Start - 1/02/1977 1/12/1978 - - - -
OCR-B Side Finish - 1/05/1979 1/08/1979 - - - -
Knight / Stone Start 1/05/1979 - - 1/06/1979 1/06/1979 29/03/1979 -
Gothic Finish 6/06/1979 - - 1/05/1981 1/07/1982 1/01/1984 -
Knight / Stone Start - 1/05/1979 1/08/1979 1/05/1981 1/07/1982 - -
OCR-B Finish - 6/06/1979 - 1/10/1983 1/10/1983 - -
Johnston / Stone Start 6/06/1979 6/06/1979 - 1/10/1983 1/10/1983 1/01/1984 26/03/1984
OCR-B Finish 11/05/1984 8/06/1979 - 1/02/1985 1/02/1985 8/06/1979 8/06/1979
Johnston / Fraser Start - - - - 1/02/1985 8/06/1979 -
Gothic Finish - - - - - - -
Johnston / Fraser Start - 8/06/1979 1/03/1985 - - 1/07/1988 8/06/1979
OCR-B Finish - 11/06/1979          
Phillips / Fraser Start - -          
  Finish - -          
Fraser / Higgins Start - -          
  Finish - -          
Fraser / Cole Start - -          
  Finish - -          
Fraser / Evans Start - -          
  Finish - -          


Checking the Value of Your Australian Banknote

Most people want to know the year a banknote was printed in is so they can get an idea of what it is worth.

It’s really important to note that while some Australian polymer banknotes are incredibly rare and valuable, most are not. As at June 2020, there were 1.8 billion banknotes in circulation. Looking for a rare and valuable note is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

If you have a banknote in your possession that you think might be valuable, you can use our ebook titled The Layman's Guide to Coin Values to Australian Coin and Banknote Values as a great place to start.

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Comments (1)

First time collector

By: on 31 October 2023
Hi . Just starting out in collecting Australian currency. I'm wanting to know where does the R number come from on a note. As in R205: Sir Joseph Banks ( 1743- 1820 ) NLT 220093. Any information on the subject would be most appreciated. Thanks

Sterling and Currency Response
G'Day Keith, The R# quoted for Australian banknotes is a reference number taken from the Rennik's Guide to Australian Coin and Banknote Values:

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