- Country
- Zimbabwe
- Zambia
- Zaire
- Yugoslavia
- Yemen
- Western Samoa
- West Indies
- West Africa
- Virgin Islands
- Venezuela
- Vanuatu
- Uruguary
- United States of America
- United States (Hawaii)
- United States (California)
- United States
- United Kungdom
- United Kingdom
- United Arib Emirates
- United Arab Emirates
- Ukrainian
- Ukraine
- tuvalu
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- Turkey
- Tunisia
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Tonga
- Tokelau
- Togo
- Timor
- Tibet Leste
- Tibet
- thailand
- Tanzania
- Switzerland
- Swiss States
- Sweden
- Swaziland
- Sudan
- Straits Settlements
- St Helena
- Sri Lanka (Chola Dynasty)
- Spanish Netherlands (Brabant)
- Spain
- Southern Rhodesia
- South Korea
- South Africa
- Somalia
- Solomon Islands
- Singapore
- Sierra Leone
- Seychelles
- Serbia
- Scotland
- Saudi Arabia
- Sarawak
- Sao Tome & Principe
- San Marino
- Samoa
- Rwanda
- Russia
- Romania
- Rhodesia
- Republican Rome
- Republic of Palau
- Republic of Niger
- Puerto Rico
- Portugal
- Poland
- Pitcairn Islands
- Phillippines
- Philippines
- Peru
- Parthia
- Paragauy
- PapuaNew Guinea
- Papua New Guinea
- Papa New Guinea
- Panama
- Palestine
- Palau
- Pakistan
- Oman
- North Korea
- Niue
- Nicaragua
- new zealand
- New Hebrides
- New Guinea
- Netherlands East Indies Java
- Netherlands East Indies
- Netherlands (Zeeland)
- Netherlands (West Friesland)
- Netherlands (Gelderland)
- Netherlands
- Nerthlands
- Nepal
- Muscat & Oman
- Morocco
- Montenegro
- Mongolia
- Monaco
- Mombasa
- Mexico
- Mauritius
- Marshall Islands
- Malta (Knights of)
- Malta
- Malaysia
- Malawi
- Luxembourg
- Lithuania
- Liechtenstein
- Liberia
- Lesotho
- Laos
- Lao
- Keeling Cocos Islands
- Keeling Cocos
- Jordan
- Jersey
- Java
- Japan Shin Nanryo
- Japan Manen
- Japan (Tenpo)
- Japan
- Jamaica
- Italy
- Italian States (Naples)
- Italian States (Lucca)
- Israel
- Isle of Man
- Ireland
- Iraq
- Iran
- Indonesia
- India (Vijayanagar)
- India (Republic)
- India (Princely States - Kutch)
- India (Princely States - Cochin)
- India (Nayakas of Chitradurga)
- India (British)
- India
- Ile of Man
- Iceland
- Hutt River Province
- Hungary
- Hong Kong
- hong
- Hawaii
- Haiti
- Guyana
- Guernsey,Jersey
- Guernsey
- Guatemala
- Greece
- Great Britian
- Great Britain
- Gibraltar
- Ghana
- Germany
- German States (Saxony-Albertine)
- German States (Saxony)
- German States (Regensburg)
- German States (Prussia)
- German States (Hamburg)
- German States (Frankfurt)
- German States (Brunswick)
- German New Guimea
- German East Africa
- Gambia
- French Indo China
- France
- Finland
- Fiji
- Falkland Islands
- Ethiopia
- Essequibo
- Eritrea
- English
- England
- El Salvador
- Egypt
- Ecuador
- East Africa
- Dominican Republic
- Denmark
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Danzing
- Czechoslovika
- Cyprus
- Curacao
- Cuba
- Costa Rica
- Cook Islands
- Colombia
- China(Fukien)
- China (PRC)
- China (Kwangtung)
- china
- Chile
- Ceylon
- Cayman Islands
- Canada (Newfoundland)
- Canada
- Cambodia
- Burma (Pyu)
- Burma (Pegu)
- Burma
- Bulgaria
- Brunei
- British West Indies
- British India
- Brazil
- Botswana
- Bolivia
- Biafra
- Bhutan
- Bermuda
- Benin
- Belize
- Belgium
- Belgian Congo
- Barbados
- Bahrain
- Bahamas
- Austrian Netherlands
- Austria
- AustraliaSet:Yes
- Australia,Mexico
- Australia,AustraliaSet:Yes
- australia
- Armenia
- Argentina
- Angola
- Andorra
- Ancient Rome
- Algeria
- Alderney
- Afghanistan - Sher Ali
- Afghanistan
- year
- Undated
- Ivory Coast
- AH5236 / 1977
- 98
- 978
- 960 ~ 1214AD
- 90
- 88
- 852
- 83
- 82
- 810
- 80
- 79
- 76
- 75
- 74
- 72
- 710
- 71
- 70
- 7
- 6thÐ8th Century
- 6981
- 69
- 68
- 67
- 64
- 62BCE
- 60
- 5th Century AD
- 57
- 55
- 527
- 50
- 49
- 485
- 48
- 47
- 46
- 454
- 42
- 4
- 397
- 38
- 37
- 364
- 359
- 345
- 336
- 335
- 323
- 32
- 308
- 307
- 305
- 27
- 260269
- 260
- 253
- 243
- 241
- 239
- 235
- 233
- 218
- 215
- 213
- 209
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020 - 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014 - 2015
- 2014
- 2013-2014
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007,2013
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- 2002
- 2001
- 2000
- 2
- 1999
- 1998
- 1997
- 1996
- 1995
- 1994
- 1993
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
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- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
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- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993
- 1992,1993,1992,1993
- 1992,1993
- 1992
- 1991
- 1990
- 1989
- 1988
- 1987
- 1986
- 1985
- 1984
- 1983
- 1982
- 1981
- 1980
- 1979
- 1978
- 1977
- 1976
- 1975
- 1974
- 1973
- 1972
- 1971
- 1970
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- 1967
- 1966
- 1965
- 1964
- 1963
- 1962
- 1961
- 1960
- 1959
- 1958
- 1957
- 1956
- 1955
- 1954
- 1953
- 1952
- 1951
- 1950
- 1949
- 1948
- 1947
- 1946
- 1945
- 1944
- 1943
- 1942
- 1941-S
- 1941
- 1940
- 1939
- 1938
- 1937
- 1936
- 1935
- 1934
- 1933
- 1932
- 1931
- 1930
- 1929
- 1928
- 1927
- 1926
- 1925
- 1924
- 1923
- 1922
- 1921
- 1920
- 192
- 1919
- 1918
- 1917
- 1916-S
- 1916
- 1915
- 1914
- 1913
- 1912
- 1911
- 1910
- 1909
- 1908
- 1907
- 1906
- 1905
- 1904
- 1903~1908
- 1903
- 1902
- 1901
- 1900
- 1899-J
- 1899
- 1898
- 1897
- 1896
- 1895
- 1894
- 1893
- 1892
- 1891
- 1890
- 1889
- 1888
- 1887
- 1886
- 1885
- 1884
- 1883
- 1882
- 1881
- 1880
- 1879
- 1878
- 1877-CC
- 1877
- 1876-C
- 1876
- 1875-S
- 1875
- 1874
- 1873
- 1872
- 1871
- 1870
- 1869
- 1868
- 1867
- 1866
- 1865
- 1864
- 1863
- 1862
- 1861
- 1860
- 1859
- 1858
- 1857
- 1856
- 1855
- 1854
- 1853
- 1852
- 185168
- 1851
- 1850
- 185
- 1849
- 1848
- 1847
- 1846
- 1845
- 1844
- 1843
- 1842
- 1841
- 1840
- 1839
- 1838
- 1837
- 1836-EM
- 1836
- 1835
- 1834
- 1833
- 1832
- 1831
- 1830
- 1829
- 1828
- 1827
- 1826
- 1825
- 1824
- 1823
- 1822
- 1821
- 1820
- 1819
- 1818
- 1817
- 1816
- 1815
- 1814
- 1813
- 1812
- 1811
- 1810
- 1809
- 1808
- 1807
- 1806
- 1805
- 1804
- 1803
- 1802
- 1801
- 1800
- 180
- 1799
- 1798
- 1797
- 1796
- 1795
- 1794-EM
- 1794
- 1793
- 1792
- 1791
- 1790
- 1789
- 1788
- 1787
- 1786
- 1785
- 1783
- 1782
- 1781
- 1780
- 1779
- 1778
- 1777
- 1776
- 1775
- 1774
- 1773
- 1770
- 1769
- 1768-BDC
- 1767
- 1766
- 1765-BDC
- 1765
- 1763-JFoF
- 1763
- 1762
- 1761
- 1760
- 1759
- 1758 ~ 1779
- 1758
- 1757
- 1754
- 1753
- 1752
- 1751
- 1749
- 1748
- 1746
- 1745
- 1743
- 1742
- 1741
- 1740
- 1739
- 1736
- 1735
- 1734
- 1732
- 1730
- 1729
- 1728
- 1727
- 1726
- 1724
- 1723
- 1722
- 1718
- 1717
- 1716
- 1714
- 1713
- 1712
- 1711
- 1708
- 1707
- 170
- 1698
- 1697
- 1696
- 1695
- 1693
- 1690
- 1689
- 1685
- 1682
- 1681
- 1680
- 1679
- 1675
- 1672
- 1671
- 1666
- 1665
- 1663
- 1662
- 1660
- 166
- 1659
- 1658
- 1656
- 1654
- 1653
- 1652
- 1650
- 1649
- 1647
- 1646
- 1643
- 1641
- 1638
- 1634
- 1632
- 1631
- 1630
- 1627
- 1626
- 1625
- 1623
- 1622
- 1621
- 1620
- 162
- 1618
- 1616
- 1615
- 1613
- 1612
- 161180
- 1611
- 1610-KB
- 161
- 1606
- 1600
- 1598
- 1596
- 1594
- 1593
- 1591
- 1590
- 1589
- 1588
- 1587
- 1586
- 1581
- 158
- 1578
- 1572
- 1571
- 1570
- 157
- 1568
- 1567
- 1564
- 156
- 1558
- 1555
- 1553
- 155156
- 1551
- 1547
- 1542
- 1537
- 152
- 1516
- 151
- 1509
- 1485
- 148
- 1466
- 1464
- 146
- 1430
- 1422
- 1413
- 140
- 14
- 139
- 1382
- 138161
- 1380 ~ 1422
- 138
- 1378
- 1377 ~ 1404
- 1377
- 137
- 136BCE
- 136
- 1351
- 135
- 134
- 1337
- 1324 ~ 1359
- 129
- 1289
- 128
- 1272
- 1249
- 123
- 1223
- 1216
- 119
- 1189
- 116
- 114
- 109
- 106
- 1035
- 103
- 101
- 100
- Face Value
- Uncirculated Specimen Coin Set
- Uncirculated Set
- Thaler
- Ten Yuan
- Tangka
- Soveriegn
- Sovereign
- Solidus
- Sol
- Sixpence
- Shilling
- Set of 4 Bullet Money
- Rupee
- Quarter Merk
- Quarter Cent
- Quarter
- Prooflike Crown
- Proof Coin Set
- Proof 750 Tugrik
- Proof 400 Birr
- Proof 1oz
- Proof 150 Balboas
- Proof 100 Kina
- Proof 1 Dollar
- Pounds
- Peso
- Penny
- Pattern One Pound Set
- One Rupee
- One Ounce
- One Dollar
- Nisshu Gin
- Nickle
- Mameita Gin
- Liberty Seated Dime
- Kyat
- Kronenthaler
- Koban
- Isshu Gin
- Ichibu
- Half Sovereign
- Half Dime
- Half Crown
- Groat
- Follis (AE1)
- Florin
- Fanam
- Drachm
- Dime
- Denarius Serratus
- Denarius
- Crown
- Coronet Cent
- Colon
- Bu Gin
- As
- Antoninianus
- 960 Reis
- 8 Reales
- 8 Escudos
- 750 Dirham Proof
- 75 Dinar Proof
- 60 Grana
- 60 Dinar Proof
- 5oz / 5 Dollars
- 500 Togrog
- 500 Lire
- 500 Kip
- 500 Franc Proof
- 50 Yuan
- 50 Franc
- 50 Dinara
- 50 Cents
- 50 Cent
- 5 Shilling
- 5 Proof Coin Set
- 5 Pounds
- 5 Pound
- 5 Pence
- 5 Lire
- 5 Franchi
- 5 Euro
- 5 Dollars
- 5 Dollar
- 450 Yuan Proof
- 4000 Dollar Proof
- 4,000 Baht Proof
- 4 Shilling
- 30 Drachma
- 25 Dollars
- 20 Pence
- 20 Marks
- 20 Francs
- 20 Franc
- 20 Cents
- 2 Rumi Altin
- 2 Dollars
- 2 dollar
- 2 Daler Plate Money
- 2 Coin Set
- 1oz Proof
- 1oz
- 1500 CFA Francs
- 150 Dollar Proof
- 15 Dollar Proof
- 100 Tala
- 100 Ringgit
- 100 Pounds
- 100 Dollars
- 10,000 Lire Proof
- 10 Yuan
- 10 Tala
- 10 Kopeks
- 10 Franc
- 10 Dollars
- 10 Dollar
- 10 Cents
- 1/5 Libre
- 1/4 Rupee
- 1.50 Euro
- 1.5 Tamlung Tiger Tongue Money
- 1,500 Pesos
- 1,200 Reis
- 1,000 Dollar UNC
- 1,000 Dollar
- 1 Stuiver/Bonk
- 1 Shilling
- 1 Schilling
- 1 Rupee
- 1 Ruble / 1 Dollar
- 1 Ringgit
- 1 Rand
- 1 Pound
- 1 Piso
- 1 Franc
- 1 Dollar,One Dollar,1 Dollar,One Dollar
- 1 Dollar, 100 Dollar
- 1 Dollar Proof
- 1 Dollar
- 1 Diner
- 1 Crown
- 1 cent
- 1 Asarfi Proof
- 0.2354oz
- $5
- $10
- $1
- Denomination
- Tetrobol
- Silver
- Siliqua
- Sestertius
- One Dollar
- Medallion PNC
- Gold
- Follis
- Denarius
- Aureus
- Antoninianus
- 50c PNC
- 50c
- 50 Cent
- 5 Dollar
- 20c
- 20 Cent
- 2 Dollar Mini Money
- 2 Dollar
- 1oz
- 10 Dollar
- 1/2oz
- 1 Dollar Trio
- 1 Dollar PNC
- 1 Dollar Pair
- 1 Dollar
- Region
- South America
- Parthia
- Middle East
- Europe
- Central America & Canada
- Australia/Oceania
- Australia/ Oceania
- Asia
- Africa
- Category
- Bullion and Nuggets (1)
- Bullion Coins & Bars (1)
- Coins (7720)
- Adelaide Pounds and Australian Gold Sovereigns (386)
- Ancient Coins (236)
- Australia's Proclamation and Colonial Coins (1788 ~ 1826) (105)
- Circulating Decimal Coins (512)
- English and British coins (492)
- Half Sovereigns (210)
- Perth Mint Decimal Coins (1207)
- Pre-Decimal (Commonwealth) Coins (684)
- Pre-decimal Specimen Pattern and Proof coins (62)
- Royal Australian Mint Decimal Coins (1379)
- Shipwreck Coins (83)
- World Coins (2364)
- Tokens Medals and Medallions (1)
- Medallions (1)
- Stock
- Price Range
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Page 2 of Coins
Featured on this page:
1867 Sydney Mint Type II Sovereign Extremely Fine, 1868 Sydney Mint Type II Sovereign Fine, 1870 Sydney Mint Type II Sovereign Fine, 1870 Sydney Mint Type II Sovereign PCGS AU58, 1871 Sydney Shield Sovereign WW Raised good EF, 1871 Sydney Young Head Half Sovereign PCGS AU50, 1872 Silver Maundy Coin Set Victoria S#3916 , 1872 Sydney Young Head Half Sovereign good VF, 1872 Sydney Young Head Half Sovereign Unc (PCGS MS62), 1874 Sydney Young Head Sovereign Unc (PCGS MS62), 1875 Melbourne Young Head Sovereign Extremely Fine, 1875 Sydney Shield Sovereign good EF, 1875 Sydney Young Head Half Sovereign Fine, 1876 Melbourne Young Head Sovereign good EF, 1876 Sydney Young Head Sovereign Extremely Fine, 1877 Melbourne Young Head Sovereign good EF, 1877 Melbourne Young Head Sovereign PCGS MS63, 1877 Silver Maundy Coin Set Victoria S#3916 , 1877 Sydney Shield Sovereign Extremely Fine, 1878 Melbourne Young Head Sovereign Extremely Fine, 1878 Melbourne Young Head Sovereign Unc (PCGS MS62), 1878 Sydney Shield Sovereign about VF, 1878 Sydney Shield Sovereign good EF, 1879 Melbourne Young Head Sovereign Unc (PCGS MS62), 1879 Sydney Shield Sovereign good VF, 1879 Sydney Young Head Sovereign PCGS Genuine UNC Details, 1879 Sydney Young Head St George Reverse Sovereign PCGS AU58, 1880 Melbourne Young Head Sovereign Extremely Fine, 1880 Melbourne Young Head Sovereign PCGS MS63, 1880 Sydney Shield Sovereign Inverted A Error about VF, 1880 Sydney Young Head Sovereign about Unc, 1880 Sydney Young Head Sovereign Unc (PCGS MS61), 1881 Sydney Shield Sovereign PCGS MS61, 1882 Melbourne Shield Sovereign about EF, 1882 Melbourne Young Head Half Sovereign NGC AU58, 1882 Melbourne Young Head Sovereign Extremely Fine, 1882 Sydney Young Head Sovereign about Unc, 1882 Sydney Young Head Sovereign Extremely Fine, 1883 Sydney Shield Sovereign good EF, 1883 Sydney Young Head Half Sovereign 5/3 Fine