- Country
- Zimbabwe
- Zambia
- Zaire
- Yugoslavia
- Yemen
- Western Samoa
- West Indies
- West Africa
- Virgin Islands
- Venezuela
- Vanuatu
- Uruguary
- United States of America
- United States (Hawaii)
- United States (California)
- United States
- United Kungdom
- United Kingdom
- United Arib Emirates
- United Arab Emirates
- Ukrainian
- Ukraine
- tuvalu
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- Turkey
- Tunisia
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Tonga
- Tokelau
- Togo
- Timor
- Tibet Leste
- Tibet
- thailand
- Tanzania
- Switzerland
- Swiss States
- Sweden
- Swaziland
- Sudan
- Straits Settlements
- St Helena
- Sri Lanka (Chola Dynasty)
- Spanish Netherlands (Brabant)
- Spain
- Southern Rhodesia
- South Korea
- South Africa
- Somalia
- Solomon Islands
- Singapore
- Sierra Leone
- Seychelles
- Serbia
- Scotland
- Saudi Arabia
- Sarawak
- Sao Tome & Principe
- San Marino
- Samoa
- Rwanda
- Russia
- Romania
- Rhodesia
- Republican Rome
- Republic of Palau
- Republic of Niger
- Puerto Rico
- Portugal
- Poland
- Pitcairn Islands
- Phillippines
- Philippines
- Peru
- Parthia
- Paragauy
- PapuaNew Guinea
- Papua New Guinea
- Papa New Guinea
- Panama
- Palestine
- Palau
- Pakistan
- Oman
- North Korea
- Niue
- Nicaragua
- new zealand
- New Guinea
- Netherlands East Indies Java
- Netherlands East Indies
- Netherlands (Zeeland)
- Netherlands (West Friesland)
- Netherlands (Gelderland)
- Netherlands
- Nerthlands
- Nepal
- Muscat & Oman
- Morocco
- Montenegro
- Mongolia
- Monaco
- Mombasa
- Mexico
- Mauritius
- Marshall Islands
- Malta (Knights of)
- Malta
- Malaysia
- Malawi
- Luxembourg
- Lithuania
- Liechtenstein
- Liberia
- Lesotho
- Laos
- Lao
- Keeling Cocos Islands
- Keeling Cocos
- Jordan
- Jersey
- Java
- Japan Shin Nanryo
- Japan Manen
- Japan (Tenpo)
- Japan
- Jamaica
- Italy
- Italian States (Naples)
- Italian States (Lucca)
- Israel
- Isle of Man
- Ireland
- Iraq
- Iran
- Indonesia
- India (Vijayanagar)
- India (Republic)
- India (Princely States - Kutch)
- India (Princely States - Cochin)
- India (Nayakas of Chitradurga)
- India (British)
- India
- Ile of Man
- Iceland
- Hutt River Province
- Hungary
- Hong Kong
- hong
- Hawaii
- Haiti
- Guyana
- Guernsey,Jersey
- Guernsey
- Guatemala
- Greece
- Great Britian
- Great Britain
- Gibraltar
- Ghana
- Germany
- German States (Saxony-Albertine)
- German States (Saxony)
- German States (Regensburg)
- German States (Prussia)
- German States (Hamburg)
- German States (Frankfurt)
- German States (Brunswick)
- German New Guimea
- German East Africa
- Gambia
- French Indo China
- France
- Finland
- Fiji
- Falkland Islands
- Ethiopia
- Essequibo
- Eritrea
- English
- England
- El Salvador
- Egypt
- Ecuador
- East Africa
- Dominican Republic
- Denmark
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Danzing
- Czechoslovika
- Cyprus
- Curacao
- Cuba
- Costa Rica
- Cook Islands
- Colombia
- China(Fukien)
- China (PRC)
- China (Kwangtung)
- china
- Chile
- Ceylon
- Cayman Islands
- Canada (Newfoundland)
- Canada
- Cambodia
- Burma (Pyu)
- Burma (Pegu)
- Burma
- Bulgaria
- Brunei
- British West Indies
- British India
- Brazil
- Botswana
- Bolivia
- Biafra
- Bhutan
- Bermuda
- Benin
- Belize
- Belgium
- Belgian Congo
- Barbados
- Bahrain
- Bahamas
- Austrian Netherlands
- Austria
- AustraliaSet:Yes
- Australia,Mexico
- Australia,AustraliaSet:Yes
- australia
- Armenia
- Argentina
- Angola
- Andorra
- Ancient Rome
- Algeria
- Alderney
- Afghanistan - Sher Ali
- Afghanistan
- year
- Undated
- Proof 500 Liras
- Proof 50 Cents
- Proof 10 Dollars
- Ivory Coast
- AH5236 / 1977
- 98
- 978
- 960 ~ 1214AD
- 90
- 88
- 852
- 83
- 82
- 810
- 80
- 79
- 76
- 75
- 74
- 72
- 710
- 71
- 70
- 7
- 6thÐ8th Century
- 6981
- 69
- 68
- 67
- 64
- 62BCE
- 60
- 5th Century AD
- 57
- 55
- 527
- 50
- 49
- 485
- 48
- 47
- 46
- 454
- 42
- 4
- 397
- 38
- 37
- 364
- 359
- 345
- 336
- 335
- 323
- 32
- 308
- 307
- 305
- 27
- 260269
- 260
- 253
- 243
- 241
- 239
- 235
- 233
- 218
- 215
- 213
- 209
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020 - 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014 - 2015
- 2014
- 2013-2014
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007,2013
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- 2002
- 2001
- 2000
- 2
- 1999
- 1998
- 1997
- 1996
- 1995
- 1994
- 1993
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
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- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993
- 1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993,1992,1993
- 1992,1993,1992,1993
- 1992,1993
- 1992
- 1991
- 1990
- 1989
- 1988
- 1987
- 1986
- 1985
- 1984
- 1983
- 1982
- 1981
- 1980
- 1979
- 1978
- 1977
- 1976
- 1975
- 1974
- 1973
- 1972
- 1971
- 1970
- 1969
- 1968
- 1967
- 1966
- 1965
- 1964
- 1963
- 1962
- 1961
- 1960
- 1959
- 1958
- 1957
- 1956
- 1955
- 1954
- 1953
- 1952
- 1951
- 1950
- 1949
- 1948
- 1947
- 1946
- 1945
- 1944
- 1943
- 1942
- 1941-S
- 1941
- 1940
- 1939
- 1938
- 1937
- 1936
- 1935
- 1934
- 1933
- 1932
- 1931
- 1930
- 1929
- 1928
- 1927
- 1926
- 1925
- 1924
- 1923
- 1922
- 1921
- 1920
- 192
- 1919
- 1918
- 1917
- 1916-S
- 1916
- 1915
- 1914
- 1913
- 1912
- 1911
- 1910
- 1909
- 1908
- 1907
- 1906
- 1905
- 1904
- 1903~1908
- 1903
- 1902
- 1901
- 1900
- 1899-J
- 1899
- 1898
- 1897
- 1896
- 1895
- 1894
- 1893
- 1892
- 1891
- 1890
- 1889
- 1888
- 1887
- 1886
- 1885
- 1884
- 1883
- 1882
- 1881
- 1880
- 1879
- 1878
- 1877-CC
- 1877
- 1876-C
- 1876
- 1875-S
- 1875
- 1874
- 1873
- 1872
- 1871
- 1870
- 1869
- 1868
- 1867
- 1866
- 1865
- 1864
- 1863
- 1862
- 1861
- 1860
- 1859
- 1858
- 1857
- 1856
- 1855
- 1854
- 1853
- 1852
- 185168
- 1851
- 1850
- 185
- 1849
- 1848
- 1847
- 1846
- 1845
- 1844
- 1843
- 1842
- 1841
- 1840
- 1839
- 1838
- 1837
- 1836-EM
- 1836
- 1835
- 1834
- 1833
- 1832
- 1831
- 1830
- 1829
- 1828
- 1827
- 1826
- 1825
- 1824
- 1823
- 1822
- 1821
- 1820
- 1819
- 1818
- 1817
- 1816
- 1815
- 1814
- 1813
- 1812
- 1811
- 1810
- 1809
- 1808
- 1807
- 1806
- 1805
- 1804
- 1803
- 1802
- 1801
- 1800
- 180
- 1799
- 1798
- 1797
- 1796
- 1795
- 1794-EM
- 1794
- 1793
- 1792
- 1791
- 1790
- 1789
- 1788
- 1787
- 1786
- 1785
- 1783
- 1782
- 1781
- 1780
- 1779
- 1778
- 1777
- 1776
- 1775
- 1774
- 1773
- 1770
- 1769
- 1768-BDC
- 1767
- 1766
- 1765-BDC
- 1765
- 1763-JFoF
- 1763
- 1762
- 1761
- 1760
- 1759
- 1758 ~ 1779
- 1758
- 1757
- 1754
- 1753
- 1752
- 1751
- 1749
- 1748
- 1746
- 1745
- 1743
- 1742
- 1741
- 1740
- 1739
- 1736
- 1735
- 1734
- 1732
- 1730
- 1729
- 1728
- 1727
- 1726
- 1724
- 1723
- 1722
- 1718
- 1717
- 1716
- 1714
- 1713
- 1712
- 1711
- 1708
- 1707
- 170
- 1698
- 1697
- 1696
- 1695
- 1693
- 1690
- 1689
- 1685
- 1682
- 1681
- 1680
- 1679
- 1675
- 1672
- 1671
- 1666
- 1665
- 1663
- 1662
- 1660
- 166
- 1659
- 1658
- 1656
- 1654
- 1653
- 1652
- 1650
- 1649
- 1647
- 1646
- 1643
- 1641
- 1638
- 1634
- 1632
- 1631
- 1630
- 1627
- 1626
- 1625
- 1623
- 1622
- 1621
- 1620
- 162
- 1618
- 1616
- 1615
- 1613
- 1612
- 161180
- 1611
- 1610-KB
- 161
- 1606
- 1600
- 1598
- 1596
- 1594
- 1593
- 1591
- 1590
- 1589
- 1588
- 1587
- 1586
- 1581
- 158
- 1578
- 1572
- 1571
- 1570
- 157
- 1568
- 1567
- 1564
- 156
- 1558
- 1555
- 1553
- 155156
- 1551
- 1547
- 1542
- 1537
- 152
- 1516
- 151
- 1509
- 1485
- 148
- 1466
- 1464
- 146
- 1430
- 1422
- 1413
- 140
- 14
- 139
- 1382
- 138161
- 1380 ~ 1422
- 138
- 1378
- 1377 ~ 1404
- 1377
- 137
- 136BCE
- 136
- 1351
- 135
- 134
- 1337
- 1324 ~ 1359
- 129
- 1289
- 128
- 1272
- 1249
- 123
- 1223
- 1216
- 119
- 1189
- 116
- 114
- 109
- 106
- 1035
- 103
- 101
- 100 Korona
- 100
- Face Value
- Uncirculated Specimen Coin Set
- Uncirculated Set
- Thaler
- Ten Yuan
- Tangka
- Soveriegn
- Sovereign
- Solidus
- Sol
- Sixpence
- Shilling
- Set of 4 Bullet Money
- Rupee
- Quarter Merk
- Quarter Cent
- Quarter
- Prooflike Crown
- Proof Coin Set
- Proof 750 Tugrik
- Proof 400 Birr
- Proof 1oz
- Proof 150 Balboas
- Proof 100 Kina
- Proof 1 Dollar
- Pounds
- Peso
- Penny
- Pattern One Pound Set
- One Rupee
- One Ounce
- One Dollar
- Nisshu Gin
- Nickle
- Mameita Gin
- Liberty Seated Dime
- Kyat
- Kronenthaler
- Koban
- Isshu Gin
- Ichibu
- Half Sovereign
- Half Dime
- Half Crown
- Groat
- Follis (AE1)
- Florin
- Fanam
- Drachm
- Dime
- Denarius Serratus
- Denarius
- Crown
- Coronet Cent
- Colon
- Bu Gin
- As
- Antoninianus
- 960 Reis
- 8 Reales
- 8 Escudos
- 750 Dirham Proof
- 75 Dinar Proof
- 60 Grana
- 60 Dinar Proof
- 5oz / 5 Dollars
- 500 Togrog
- 500 Lire
- 500 Kip
- 500 Franc Proof
- 50 Yuan
- 50 Franc
- 50 Dinara
- 50 Cents
- 50 Cent
- 5 Shilling
- 5 Proof Coin Set
- 5 Pounds
- 5 Pound
- 5 Pesos
- 5 Pence
- 5 Lire
- 5 Franchi
- 5 Euro
- 5 Dollars
- 5 Dollar
- 450 Yuan Proof
- 4000 Dollar Proof
- 4,000 Baht Proof
- 4 Shilling
- 30 Drachma
- 25 Dollars
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 20 Pence
- 20 Marks
- 20 Francs
- 20 Franc
- 20 Cents
- 2 Rumi Altin
- 2 Dollars
- 2 dollar
- 2 Daler Plate Money
- 2 Coin Set
- 1oz Proof
- 1oz
- 1908
- 1500 CFA Francs
- 150 Dollar Proof
- 15 Dollar Proof
- 100 Tala
- 100 Ringgit
- 100 Pounds
- 100 Dollars
- 10,000 Lire Proof
- 10 Yuan
- 10 Tala
- 10 Rupees
- 10 Kopeks
- 10 Franc
- 10 Dollars
- 10 Dollar
- 10 Cents
- 1/5 Libre
- 1/4 Rupee
- 1.50 Euro
- 1.5 Tamlung Tiger Tongue Money
- 1,500 Pesos
- 1,200 Reis
- 1,000 Dollar UNC
- 1,000 Dollar
- 1 Stuiver/Bonk
- 1 Shilling
- 1 Schilling
- 1 Rupee
- 1 Ruble / 1 Dollar
- 1 Ringgit
- 1 Rand
- 1 Pound
- 1 Piso
- 1 Franc
- 1 Dollar,One Dollar,1 Dollar,One Dollar
- 1 Dollar, 100 Dollar
- 1 Dollar Proof
- 1 Dollar
- 1 Diner
- 1 Crown
- 1 cent
- 1 Asarfi Proof
- 0.2354oz
- $5
- $10
- $1
- Denomination
- Tetrobol
- Silver
- Siliqua
- Sestertius
- One Dollar
- Medallion PNC
- Gold
- Follis
- Denarius
- Aureus
- Antoninianus
- 50c PNC
- 50c
- 50 Cent
- 5 Dollar
- 20c
- 20 Cent
- 2 Dollar Mini Money
- 2 Dollar
- 1oz
- 10 Dollar
- 1/2oz
- 1 Dollar Trio
- 1 Dollar PNC
- 1 Dollar Pair
- 1 Dollar
- Region
- South America
- Parthia
- Middle East
- Europe
- Central America & Canada
- Australia/Oceania
- Australia/ Oceania
- Asia
- Africa
- Category
- Bullion and Nuggets (1)
- Bullion Coins & Bars (1)
- Coins (7779)
- Adelaide Pounds and Australian Gold Sovereigns (387)
- Ancient Coins (236)
- Australia's Proclamation and Colonial Coins (1788 ~ 1826) (103)
- Circulating Decimal Coins (517)
- English and British coins (493)
- Half Sovereigns (210)
- Perth Mint Decimal Coins (1214)
- Pre-Decimal (Commonwealth) Coins (686)
- Pre-decimal Specimen Pattern and Proof coins (63)
- Royal Australian Mint Decimal Coins (1390)
- Shipwreck Coins (83)
- World Coins (2397)
- Tokens Medals and Medallions (1)
- Medallions (1)
- Stock
- Price Range
Sort by
Page 7 of Coins
Featured on this page:
1984 Two Hundred Dollar Gold Unc Coin Koala, 1985 10 Dollar Silver Unc Coin State Series Victoria, 1986 One Dollar RBA Mint Roll Year of Peace Tails / Tails, 1986 Silver 10 Dollar Proof Coin State Series - South Australia, 1988 - 2018 $2 Coin Collection 30th Anniversary Folder, 1988 One Dollar Mint Roll Unc Bicentennial Heads / Tails, 1988 Silver Holey Dollar And Dump Coin Set, 1988 Silver Ten Dollar Uncirculated Coin , 1990 Silver 10 Dollar Proof Coin Bird Series - White Cockatoo, 1990 Silver Holey Dollar And Dump Coin Set, 1990 Silver Ten Dollar Silver Piedfort Proof Coin Birds of Australia - White Cockatoo, 1991 Silver 10 Dollar Proof Coin Bird Series - Jabiru, 1992 One Dollar Silver Proof Coin Fair Barcelona, 1992 One Dollar Unc Barcelona in RAM Satchel, 1992 Ten Dollar Silver Piedfort Proof Emperor Penguin, 1992-1993 United Kingdom Silver Proof 50 Pence Coin, 1993 Landcare Dollar Unc Set Of 5 Mintmarks $1 Coins C*2SM and BBC, 1993 One Dollar Silver Proof Coin Landcare, 1993 Silver Two Ounce Proof Coin Kookaburra, 1994 50 Cent PNC Year of The Family, 1994 Five Dollar Uncirculated Bi-Metallic Coin - Enfranchisement of Women, 1994 Ten Dollar Silver Piedfort Proof Wedge Tailed Eagle, 1994-1996 Ten Dollar Specimen Trio Olympic Heritage Series Set, 1996 Five Dollar Uncirculated - Don Bradman, 1996 Palladium One Ounce Proof Coin Emu, 1996 Silver Two Coin Set (2oz 1oz) Kookaburra, 1997 Set of 5 Carded One Dollar Coins Kingsford Smith - Mintmarks CSMBA, 1997 Silver Two Ounce Proof Privy Mark 1937 Penny, 1997-2000 Millennium Split Silver Proof Coin Samoa/Kiribati, 1998 One Dollar Silver Kangaroo Unc Coin Bouncing Joey, 1998 Silver 2oz Kooka Sovereign Privy Mark Set Of Four, 1998 Silver One Ounce Unc Privy Mark Sweden, 1999 1 Dollar PNC Year of the Older Person, 1999 Gold Bimetal 100 Dollar Proof Coin Centenary Sovereign, 1999 Set of 5 Carded One Dollar Coins Last ANZACS Mintmarks CSMBA, 1999 Silver 2oz Kookaburra Glamour Coin Privy Mark Series Set in Case, 1999 Ten Dollar Silver Proof Coin - Millennium Past, 2000 Five Dollar Uncirculated - Cycling, 2000 Five Dollar Uncirculated - Football, 2000 Five Dollar Uncirculated - Phar Lap